Editor foto unggulan penuh! Filter, bingkai, teks, stiker, mata merah ... Wizard Photo Editor menyediakan alat pengeditan foto terbaik dalam satu aplikasi. Foto apapun
Editor foto unggulan penuh! Filters, frames, text, stickers, red eye...
Wizard Photo Editor provides the best photo editing tools in one app. Tindakan pengeditan foto apa pun dimungkinkan dengan mudah: sesuaikan warna, kecerahan, saturasi, oleskan ratusan filter, menghias dengan teks, bingkai, stiker, overlay dan membuat kolase yang fantastis menggabungkan beberapa gambar, menghilangkan mata merah, pemutihan gigi, menghilangkan kepala hitam, mengubah warna mata, bibir, efek percikan warna, fokus blur, area gelap, area gelap, face blurring (untuk privasi) ...
Fitur Aplikasi:
➤ Filters : vintage, radial-bright, greyscale, sepia, old, stylish... Hundreds!
➤ Tools : brightness/contrast, color levels (RGB & hue, saturation), auto-levels, sharpen, blur, mosaic, quantization, noise, emboss, sketch, ... Every tool in this cool photo editing app may be applied to a selection : automatic selections ( magic wand ) or manual (drawing), with zoom option, make you able to edit anything: red eye fix, backlight corrections, set saturation, hue or color of a single object or person, remove spots, blur skin, ...
➤ Red eye : Specific option to remove red eye with just two tap.
➤ Aspect : landscape, portrait or squared picture, resolution, scale, crop, resize, rotate or straighten.
➤ Add Text to your pictures with dozens of cool fonts. Set shadow, glow, contour, and alignment. + Color Gradients!
➤ Frames : basic and artistic, customizable color and hue. Free downloadable packs for every need: love, christmas, classic, grunge, gradients, patterns, ...
➤ Sticker packs : smilies, hair, christmas, gifts, love, flowers, speech bubbles, comic, ribbons, animals, shapes, ...
➤ Paste pictures - mask with selection allowed !!! : make collages , superimposes, merges, ...
➤ Stamp logo: select a picture and place once. Use it whenever you want to sign (or watermark) a picture.
➤ Overlays : textures, gradients, bokeh, fire effects, ...
➤ Paint tool, with several brush types and full control of brush size and transparency.
+ Pencarian PIC GRATIS : Terpadu dalam Wizard Photo Editor untuk memungkinkan Anda menjelajah dan mengunduh gambar gratis untuk kreasi Anda: latar belakang, wallpaper, vektor, ... ribuan foto gratis tersedia.
This app is fully functional for free . You have the possibility to buy the PREMIUM version just to remove ads .